2020 Year End Update & Looking forward to 2021: To God Be The Glory!
I know you’ve already heard this but, “What a year this has been!” It’s been nothing short of full-blown craziness, and yet it has been stuffed full of reminders of God’s faithfulness. While I can’t speak for the political or medical uncertainty, I can emphatically shout with Isaiah, “You are my God; I will exalt you; I will praise your name, for you have done wonderful things, plans formed of old, faithful and sure.” Isaiah 25:1.
2019 was a record year for Scioto Hills, and 2020 was on pace to set new records. We enjoyed our highest winter retreat attendance and were on track to see a 10-12% growth in summer numbers. 2019 was also our best year for individual gifts, and 2020 would appear to be no different. Enter COVID. In a matter of days, everything came to a stop. While we had no idea what the future would hold, we knew two things were certain. First, God would show Himself faithful, and second, we would have lots of new God stories to share. Both are true. Personally, God led me to be comforted in His steadfast love, to be confident in His Sovereign care, and as a result, to learn to “rejoice in the Lord always” at a new level.
He gave us the wisdom and unity to make adjustments that allowed us to provide meaningful ministry. He also gave us a variety of volunteers to make it happen.
He protected us from serious health issues.
He allowed us to keep our staff.
While we lost more than half of our earned income and served 75% less people, we are pleased to announce, “We finished 2020 in the black!”
He accomplished this by moving in the hearts of more than 200 individuals and several churches to make it a reality. Many of the donations came from people and churches our current staff is unfamiliar with, which encourages us to believe that they are a result of the historical impact Scioto Hills has had over the past 56 years. If you were in a position to contribute this year, thank you so much!
1.Though drastically different without 1000 summer campers and 55 summer staffers to serve them, we were still privileged to pour into the lives of people, especially families and adults. My three favorite quotes for 2020 are:
“Knowing Jesus is better than knowing my family loves me.” Family Camper
“Thank you for letting our family feel normal again.” Family Camp Mom
“Scioto Hills is our new favorite place to go to get away.” First Time Family
2. We added a new family to our permanent staff last summer, but they needed housing. So God enabled us to purchase the home and 6-acre property across the road for $157K, and because of gifts designated for this, we paid cash!
3. Because of the lost income, we were convinced that at some point we would have to pull from our financial reserves to meet payroll and expenses in order to make it through the year. But we were wrong. Because of the families, individuals and churches that have been blessed through the ministry of Scioto Hills over the years, charitable contributions kept coming. We never dipped into our reserves! It has been the best giving year ever! And amazingly, other than Giving Tuesday, we never made a specific plea for help. Check out these numbers:
2019 Individual/Church Contributions: $179,000 (Highest to date)
2020 Individual/Church Contributions: $470,000 (60% of our income)
2020 Budgeted Income: $860,000.
2020 Estimated Loss of Income: $400,000-450,000
2020 Actual Income: $807,000
This is truly a God thing, and He enlisted our partners to accomplish it! 2020 may just be the most unique and amazing year in our 56-year history. To God be the glory - great things He has done!
We are not out of the woods yet and not sure when we will be, but we are fervently praying for God’s wisdom, strength and grace to guide us as 2021 unfolds. We have made modifications to our winter retreats and are moving them back to March and April. We have also added “hybrid” guest group options and a second Rekindle Couples Retreat (Feb. 12-14) to minister on weekends. We are continuing to make improvements to our facilities and grounds.
After praying, researching, answering all the ‘what if” questions and pursuing wise counsel, we have, once again, made the difficult decision to cancel our traditional youth camps this summer. This decision includes New Frontier, Alpha, Revolution, and Mini Camp. While we know this is extremely disappointing for our campers, it is incredibly disappointing for us as well. The uncertainty surrounding the virus and the reality of its impact on our ability to maintain a healthy staff throughout the course of the summer (including the protocols for quarantining and the risk of telling campers at the last minute their camp was cancelled because we simply may not have the staff to operate) influenced our decision. The ability to offer youth camps using our traditional approach in hiring summer staff did not seem possible. Our staff is unified on this and we have the full support of the camp board. We believe the peace of God is ruling our hearts in this most difficult of decisions. However, there are two ways students can still enjoy a camp experience this summer!
We are opening the first three weeks of summer to allow larger churches the opportunity to partner with us as a guest group by enlisting their own counselors and helpers to run their own summer camp. We do these kinds of guest groups during the rest of the year. The “hybrid” aspect is the beautiful part because our staff will be available to assist them in making it a great camp experience. Cabins filled with campers from their church, led by counselors and helpers from their church, will function as cohorts. Churches are welcomed to partner with other churches to ensure a “full” week. While not what we ultimately desire, it is a good way to have a number of kids enjoy camp this summer.
Because of our ability to host multiple cohorts at a time, we can offer families (as their own cohort) a great camp experience. Even with the protocols, last summer’s family camps proved quite successful. Our setting isn’t just for kids. The entire family can enjoy a great experience. Our many traditions and special elements truly make it “a vacation with a purpose”. We invite your family to join us for one of the four weeks, and because cohorts can include a maximum of 10, there is room for you to invite “extra campers” to be part of your week. While a normal family camp week is scheduled for 6 days and 5 nights, the first and third weeks will have a 3 or 4 night option during the same full week.
Please include Scioto Hills in your prayers as we diligently seek to use our resources and staff to provide meaningful ministry in the months and years ahead.
Please promote and participate in the events that are scheduled. God is meeting our needs during these uncertain days, but in order to continue, we need guest groups, campers, churches and families to participate.
The generosity of our friends and families has been nothing short of incredible. It has allowed us to not only function but plan and prepare during these times. If you are already contributing financially to Scioto Hills, thank you so much. If not, I ask that you prayerfully consider becoming a regular “Impact Partner” by investing in our ministry as well. Every gift makes a difference!
Thank you so much for your patience, your prayers, and for understanding and supporting our ministry plans for 2021. May God’s grace strengthen and sustain you in the days, months and years to come. Should He tarry, may we all be found in His service.
All to the Glory of God,
Scott Bruns
Executive Director