We have switched registration platforms. We now use CampDoc. Any registrations for future events must use the following link here and create a new account (this must only be done once and then the same account can be used for all of your registrations). If you have any questions about registration, please reach out to our registrar Jo (jo@sciotohills.com) or call the office at (740) 778-3279.

CampDoc Support Page - This help page walks through getting started, navigating your profile, registering, and special features: click here


Check-In for our New Frontier, Alpha, or Revolution programs is on Sunday afternoons on the front entrance field from 3:00-4:30pm. Check-in for our Mini Camp program is on Monday morning on the front entrance field from 9:30-11:00am.

Large signs and friendly staff will guide you to a parking spot. Please unload your luggage in the appropriate camp pile (signs will designate New Frontier, Alpha, Mini Camp or Revolution). Parents or church coordinators are asked to be prepared to patiently wait in the Check-in line. You will first meet the Registrar who will collect the remaining camp balance and give campers their cabin assignment. Next, campers will speak to the Camp Nurse about any medical concerns and turn in medication (please send the original bottles in a plastic baggie with the camper’s name). Please be sure to have your campers medication form completed correctly prior to your child’s arrival to camp. Finally, campers must deposit money into the Camp Bank for safekeeping; their money may be accessed any time the Pop Shop is open. Once they have checked-in, campers and parents may take a hayride to the cabins; parents are also welcome to visit the cabin and/or talk with the Executive Director to pick up a general schedule for the week if they desire.


Campers may be picked up Friday from 10:00-11:00am for New Frontier and Alpha campers, Friday 11-12pm for Revolution campers, and Wednesday from 6:00-7:00pm for Mini Camp campers. Be sure your camper clearly understands who will be picking him/her up to go home. Please be prepared to provide a photo ID upon arrival at camp. Parents and family will be greeted by a staff member who will verify at least one adult in your party has permission to pick up the camper (noted on the child’s registration form). Then, you will be directed to the child’s Cabin Counselor. Luggage will be lined up by cabin on the hillside.

*Campers will not be released to an adult unless they have permission on the registration form from the legal parent/guardian of the camper and proper ID has been shown.

Early dismissals

At Check-In, the camp must be given written notification signed by the camper's parent or guardian authorizing an early dismissal of a camper. Please give the note to any of the camp Registrars on Sunday afternoon at check-in. Parents may meet their camper in the Main Office on the day of early departure at the time specified during check-in. Please be prepared to provide photo ID. No discount is granted for early dismissal.

early arrivals

Unfortunately, we do not allow early arrivals. If you are unable to bring your child to camp Sunday afternoon at the appropriate time, there are several hotels in Wheelersburg and Portsmouth.

paying for camp

The remaining balance for each camper is due prior to arrival on Sunday afternoon during Check-In. Families must pay their remaining balance prior to Check-In by logging into their account (HERE) at any time to make a payment.  If you forget your password, it can be reset. In the event that a reservation needs to be cancelled, any amount over the $100 non-refundable deposit will be returned, unless travel insurance has been purchased during the online registration process.


Beginning February 1st there will be a 2.45% + $0.30 convenience fee on all registrations. This fee is not a part of the registration cost, but is in place to cover a portion of the processing fees for using a credit card. ACH payments can still be made for no additional charge.

what to bring:

  • Any prescribed medications child is taking

  • Flashlight

  • Bible / pen / notebook

  • Sleeping bag / pillow/ bedding (Alpha campers will need a sleeping bag for Hammock Night regardless of whether or not they bring other bedding)

  • Comfortable clothes – mainly shorts and t-shirts, couple pair of jeans for cool evenings

  • Extra pair of closed-toed shoes (required for our climbing wall)

  • Extra set or two of clothing

  • Jacket and/or sweatshirt

  • One-piece swimsuit / Beach towel / Beach shoes

  • Bath towels / Washcloth / Personal Items (soap, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, hairbrush) – Please only send items that are not highly valuable. Although counselors encourage campers to stay organized and clean, often items are left behind or even arrive home well used.

  • Water bottle

  • Spending money

All medications must be turned into the camp nurse upon arrival, so please MARK CLEARLY all medication in a zip top bag with camper's name and specific instructions for nurse to administer.  Do not remove medications from the original container. Please be sure to have your child’s medication form/s completed correctly prior to your child’s arrival to camp.

Please do not bring any electronics (i.e. cell phones, games, CD/MP3 players/iPods). If deemed necessary, the camp will keep these items safely until the end of the week, and returned during departure.

We are a nut-aware facility and do not serve nuts during camp. Campers may not share any snacks brought with others. If deemed necessary, the camp will keep these items safe until the end of the week, and returned during departure. Please reach out with any questions to grow@sciotohills.com .

medical staff

At least one Registered Nurse is on duty at all times in or near our nurse's station during the summer camping season and "on-call" during the retreat season. A local Doctor signs our standing orders so that we can administer a few common over-the-counter medications such as Tylenol or Neosporin. Due to the nature of camp, we provide first-aid type care only and cannot accommodate sick campers. In case of sickness, injury, or extreme homesickness, we will contact the parents/guardians to pick up their child and no refund will be granted.

dress code

While camp is casual and very active we are asking all campers, both boys and girls, to always dress modestly, meaning “without vanity or arrogance”. We recognize that popular culture is constantly changing, and sometimes makes modest clothing options more difficult to purchase, especially for girls. We also understand that some styles are more popular than others. However, we want to emphasize the importance of honoring Christ in the way we dress and guarding against the desire to draw attention to our physical appearance and therefore, seek to remove distractions that might impact an otherwise great camp experience. Our theme verse says, “do all to the glory of God” and this includes dress. 

Therefore, we ask all girls to wear one-piece swimsuits or an overlapping tankini while swimming, and leave all low cut, shoulder-less, spaghetti straps, mid-drift tops, short shorts, and leggings (that will not be covered by a top that modestly extends below the bottom) at home. We ask all boys to wear regular fitting t-shirts (no mid-drift cut offs or baggy “work out” t-shirts with the arms cut out of them). We also ask all male campers to wear a shirt at all times except when swimming. Please consider others when packing your clothes for the week. Campers wearing immodest clothing will be asked to change. Please know our hearts in this. The issue of modesty has not been a problem at Scioto Hills over the years and we trust to keep it as such.

extra money

Extra spending money is needed to purchase snacks at the Pop Shop, to buy camp t-shirts (approximately $18-$24) and/or other various camp souvenirs ($1-$40), or to participate in crafts ($5-$15). Please talk to your camper about how much money they will have for the week and about being a good steward of their money. Parents can add money to their child’s account during registration that will be applied to their pop shop tab. Extra money can be added if needed during check-in and we also provide an online camp store with various packages that can be purchased by parents and then delivered throughout the week, including vouchers for additional pop shop funds.

camp bank

The Camp Bank is provided for all campers to safely keep their spending money.  The bank is available anytime the Pop Shop is open.  All campers deposit their money to the Camp Bank during Check-In, so that it is not lost or stolen with the exception of Revolution campers. Starting in 2025, Revolution campers are not required to turn in their money as most want to use a card or Apple Pay/Tap to Pay to purchase items at our stores. Any remaining funds are returned to the camper at the end of the week, unless it has been designated as a donation during registration.

lost and found items

We recommend that all property be marked with the camper’s name (especially cameras). Please call the Main Office if any items are missing once your camper returns home (740-778-3279). Items are returned after parents contact the Main Office. If you would like items to be mailed to you, shipping fees must be covered at your expense before mailing. At the end of each summer the lost items may be donated.

cabin counselors

All of our Counselors have been out of high school for at least one year, are between the ages of 18 and 24, and many come from Christ-centered universities. Our Counselors go through a strict application process. We conduct full background checks, require three references (including a spiritual leader) for those new to our Summer Staff, and hold personal interviews. The Counselors spend over 75 hours training in various elements of camp, including first aid, facilitators training, evangelism and Bible study. Because of our rigid training and our child protection policy, we only allow staff, speakers, trained volunteers and seekers to come in contact with campers during the week.


There are typically 10 or less campers in a cabin with each cabin having one or more Cabin Counselors and each building having at least 2 staff members. Because diversity in the cabin allows the Cabin Counselor more flexibility in planning activities, facilitating discussions, and promoting growth among the campers, we avoid having cabins that are made up of only one church. However, we also recognize the benefits of having a friend or two in the cabin and therefore honor roommate requests to the best of our ability. Typically, 3-4 campers from the same church will be in a cabin together. 

We believe a Christian camp experience is valuable for all children, youth and adults and therefore, accept all applicants regardless of gender identification. However, boys will be lodged with other boys and girls will be lodged with other girls based on biological gender at birth. Gender-neutral restrooms/showers will not be provided. The staff at Scioto Hills Christian Camp and Retreat Center hold the right to address and dismiss any behavior that is considered inconsistent with our Articles of Faith/Doctrinal Statement or as communicated in other documents. You may view our Doctrinal Statement and how it applies to the camp setting here.


Campers love to receive mail, but please be careful not to foster homesickness by telling them how much they are missed. Rather, tell them how glad you are for the fun they are having and the new friends they are meeting. Please write the following information on the outside of the mailing envelope:

Camper's first and last name
Camp they are attending, if known (i.e. Alpha, New Frontier, etc.) 
1009 Martin Rd
Wheelersburg, OH 45694

Family and friends may send mail digitally by ordering campgrams through their CampDoc account. To learn more about campgrams, please visit this link here


Parents are requested not to call campers except in an emergency.  If there is an emergency at camp such as extreme homesickness, illness or an accident, our Camp Nurse will contact you. Although cell phones are a wonderful tool, electronic devices can be distracting in the camp setting, therefore we do not allow campers to have a cell phone during the week. As an alternative to calling your camper, please send your love through the mail (delivered daily), notes in their luggage, or by purchasing a special package through CamParent.

visiting camp

Due to our strict child protection policy we do not allow parents or strangers to participate in the camp program during the week. Parents are encouraged to write to their children, check out the summer CamParent link, or send their children to shorter weekend camps during the winter.

unique activities for each program

New Frontier:

  • Animal Barn

  • Cabin Bible Study Time

  • Bonfires

  • Morning and Evening Chapel Time (involves music, skits and teaching)

  • Clash of the Cabins (A unique game show style Bible study review)

  • Crafts

  • Pool

  • Lake Activities (Blob, slides, diving boards, paddle boats, fishing, giant slide, corcls)

  • Low Ropes Course - (10 elements, specially designed for elementary campers)

  • Pop Shop (candy, souvenirs, games)

  • Putt-Putt Golf Course

  • Summit (35 ft vertical climbing wall)

  • and more


  • ARC (Activities & Recreation Center) indoor basketball, volleyball, hockey, slide, arcade games

  • Individual and Cabin Bible Study Time

  • Bonfires

  • Camp-out night at our Hammock Villages

  • Evening Chapel Time (involves music and teaching)

  • Crafts

  • Pool

  • Lake Activities (Blob, slides, diving boards, paddle boats, fishing, corcls)

  • Low Ropes Course - (10 elements) specifically designed for middle school campers

  • Pop Shop (candy, souvenirs, games)

  • Outdoor basketball courts

  • Summit (35 ft vertical climbing wall)

  • Avalanche (600 ft triple zip line)

  • Goliath (50 ft. giant swing)

  • and more

while your child is away

Pray for your camper.  Prayer will make a significant impact in your child’s week of camp.  Pray for his/her counselor and the speaker for the week.  Pray for spiritual goals in relationship to your child’s needs, health and safety.

when your child comes home

Your interest in their week at camp is very important to them. Ask about their week, what they learned, and any decisions they may have made. Help reinforce any decisions made during the week.  Help in highlighting the spiritual lessons they’ve learned.