Renovate Men's Retreat
April 25-26, 2025
Professor of Systematic and Applied Theology, Director of The Synergy Initiative
Dr. Jeremy Kimble is passionate about teaching college and graduate students the truth of God’s Word. His hope is that through his courses, students will grow in their love for God and others, rightly understand the grand narrative of Scripture, and apply theological truths to everyday life. Jeremy is committed to teaching in the classroom, mentoring students, and speaking in church, camp, and conference settings. He served in pastoral ministry for eight years and is currently an active member and minister at University Baptist Church. Dr. Kimble's academic interests include biblical and systematic theology, ecclesiology, preaching and teaching, and the mission of the church.
Step-by-step instructions for registering with our new platform: CLICK HERE FOR INSTRUCTIONS
As with all Scioto events, registration closes one week prior to the event start date.

If you're like me, you carry a great deal of responsibility with family, community, career and church life. And if you're like me you take your responsibilities seriously and wouldn't want it any other way. That's why, at times, I have to "get away" to refresh and recharge my batteries. I need to "get away" not to run from what God has called me to be but to become more effective in fulfilling it! First and foremost, I am called to be a man of God and however that looks it includes living out The Gospel.
As a follower of Christ, The Gospel must be my passion and motivation! In short, I must be a Gospel-Centered Man and so must you. This weekend is a great opportunity for you to "get away". Our annual men's event we call "Renovate" is designed to recharge your batteries and help you become God's man, a Gospel-Centered Man.
Please accept our personal invitation to join us for the best camp food you'll ever eat, great fellowship with other brothers in Christ, a gorgeous setting and activities you'll love but won't experience if you stay home and a time intentionally designed to encourage you in your walk with God.
Trust me, it will be time well spent.
Scott Bruns, Executive Director
subject to change
PRICING for 2025:
Friday & Saturday: 4 meals, activities, sessions, lodging - $130
Friday only: dinner & session (no lodging) - $60
Saturday only: 3 meals, activities, sessions (no lodging) - $80