At Scioto Hills, one of our top priorities has always been and will continue to be the health and safety of our guests. During this time, as we continually update and evaluate these steps in light of COVID-19, we want you to know what we are doing to make sure you and your family stay safe:
Guests should self-monitor for symptoms consistent with COVID-19 and other communicable diseases for 7-14 days prior to arrival. Travel and participation in large gatherings should be limited as well.
Guests may be assigned to tables for meals with others attending our programmed events.
All guests should sign our COVID statement about what to do if they feel ill during their stay on camp.
Health screening will be conducted by a Registered Nurse upon arrival. This will include temperature check, general wellness and travel questionnaire. A daily health screen will also be conducted each morning of your stay at the nurses station prior to beginning your day.
Guests will be required to stay in cohorts according to state guidelines for housing, dining and all camp activities.
Hand sanitizer or hand washing should be utilized frequently. Hand sanitizer stations are located at the entrance of all buildings and will be available at each table.
CDC guidelines for symptoms, handwashing, social distancing and mask requirements are located throughout each building.
Social distancing directional signage will be utilized for any lines such as pop shop and dining hall.
Frequent cleaning and sanitizing will take place throughout your stay.
Limited capacity for indoor areas as well as the pool and some activities will be followed.
Meals will follow current restaurant guidelines for Ohio.
Masks will be worn inside or when social distancing is impossible according to the current state or local mandates. (Please include a mask in your packing list. We will have a few available for purchase if needed).
Guests who become ill while at camp should be willing to seek medical attention and/or make arrangements to return home.
Scioto Hills Programmed Events will follow the above guidelines in addition to all current policies and procedures. See additional guidelines below:
Guests should choose lodging as a cohort/ group of no more than 10 persons. Lodging choices will include a private restroom that will only be used by your group. We recommend that a group consist of persons from the same community, church, family or friend group. This group will eat meals and participate in activities together.
Those wishing to register for an event and be housed individually should contact the camp for details.