I remember the first time I fully understood phrase, “There’s light at the end of the tunnel.”  The metaphoric expression simply means, “The end of a difficult or unpleasant situation is approaching.”  The phrase is said to originally come into existence in the 1800’s but became more popular in the 1900’s in the midst of The Great Depression.  Ada Adams, an author of fiction, added, “Some tunnels just happen to be longer than others,” as a tag to that phrase. By the way, while some may think it, the phrase is not actually in the Bible, although James 4:7 “Be patient, then, brothers, until the Lord’s coming” or Hebrews 11:11 “No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful.  Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace” give credence to the validity of the phrase.  

We choose to believe this particular trial, though painful, will, in the end, produce righteousness and peace as we wait for Christ’s return.  We choose to believe there is light at the end of the COVID-19 tunnel.

GOOD NEWS BUT NOT QUITE GOOD ENOUGH:  We are rejoicing in the recent updates regarding the loosening of restrictions here in Ohio and throughout the country in an attempt to “re-open”.  Some changes came just one week after our announcement to cancel all youth camps and had some families and campers thinking, “We can now have youth camps!”  Unfortunately, this cannot be the case for the following reasons:

  1. There is a big difference between day camps or campgrounds opening and the weeklong overnight style of camps we offer.

  2. Any restrictions requiring the practice of social distancing or dealing with flu symptoms that occur in minors still makes youth camp impossible.

  3. Though some restrictions have loosened, those related to total numbers in one space have not.  Last summer, we served around 350 people per week (200+ campers, 55 summer staffers, 30 permanent staffers, 30+ SEEKers and another 20 volunteers).  Running our program would only be possible if all limitations, numeric and social distancing, were completed removed.

  4. With 200 campers per week, any numeric restriction would have forced us to choose which churches would be invited and which would be left out.  Yikes!

  5. We need 50-55 summer staffers to make our youth camps happen.  The day we announced the cancellation, we had 1/3 of the summer staff we needed.  The virus wreaked havoc on our ability to recruit.  Staffing is impossible.

  6. Because of the capabilities of our permanent staff and because of the nature of our lodging options, we are able to offer a series of family camps to replace our inability to offer youth camps.  

FRESH-AIR, FUN-FILLED FAMILY CAMPS:  We are preparing to serve your family! We promised we would post family camp details on May 20th.  While we don’t have all the information from the CDC, ACA, CCCA, the American Camp Nurse Association, the Governor, or the Local Health Department, we do have the details you will need to make an informed decision about participating in one of our family camps.  BECAUSE WE ARE STILL WAITING ON SOME OF THESE GUIDELINES, WE WILL NOT OFFICIALLY OPEN REGISTRATION UNTIL JUNE 1.  But you can begin making your plans and having your questions answered. For all the specifics please visit but for now here are 10 things to help you get the gist of what we hope to offer:

  1. Our facilities allow us to host up to 20 families in separate lodging options with their own shower and restrooms.  

  2. We are not the Hilton, but our facilities are clean, air-conditioned, and comfortable.  They work great for sleeping and providing private meeting space in the midst of the all the other activities available at SHC.

  3. Under the current guidelines (groups of 10 by family and 50% restaurant capacity or 110 in our dining hall), we can offer, with some modifications to activities and chapel, 22 families a spot in one of 6 different camps beginning June 14th even with social distancing practices in place.  See the website for dates and costs.

  4. Under the current guidelines, we can offer age-appropriate classes.  This allows us to offer morning programming for kids as well as child-care services for the main sessions.  

  5. As the guidelines loosen, we can increase the number of families we can register and the kind of activities we can offer.  We want each family to experience family camp Scioto Hills style.  

  6. Our family camps are designed to allow families to relax or engage in a wide variety of activities throughout the day.  

  7. We call our family camps “Vacation with a Purpose”.  The spiritual benefit and family bond, beyond your own family, that is developed is only enhanced by the schedule of events.

  8. Our family camps are “all-inclusive” meaning you pay one modest price for lodging, meals (tasty, unique, and family friendly), and all the activities.  The only “extra” money you will need is for the Pop Shop, Camp Store, Special Craft items, or if you travel into town to shop.  

  9. The pool and lake will be open for business.

  10. Unfortunately, because we will not have the services of our summer staff, we will not be able to offer each family “summer staff helpers”.  We will still serve families to the best of our ability.   

Once again, we want to thank everyone for their patience and understanding regarding our decision to cancel youth camps.  It is still a very difficult thing for all of us.  I also want to remind those that have not yet emailed us as to which of the four options they have selected regarding their paid summer camp fees to do so soon.  You can email us at  The great response and the number of families who have graciously made a donation encourage us.  We will share details soon. 

We love family camp!  We are hoping your entire family becomes “campers” this summer and take advantage of this wonderful experience.  We can’t wait to see the light at the end of the tunnel and how God uses our hills this summer for His glory.  

Scott Bruns

Executive Director