Summer Staff Testimonials

“I was overwhelmed at first about how to truly love and be there for all of my campers in a single week. The Lord taught me that He didn’t actually need me - but in His grace uses me anyway - in the work that He’s begun and will surely complete in the campers’ lives (Phil. 1:6). It’s not coming from me, it’s all God, and with these promises to stand on, why wouldn’t I jump at the chance to join His work by investing in these kids’ lives all summer?”

"God has reminded me of the importance of His Word. It is powerful enough to bank my life on. He has shown me the importance of communing with Him. He has reminded me of the importance of serving and having a servant's attitude. He's given me an opportunity to learn dependence on Him. He has shown me that this life is about being a disciple-maker. He has taught me to take opportunities that come up in life to teach a spiritual lesson, loving the kids and praying for them and for opportunities to share Christ so that I would be depending on God for the increase.”

”Wow. This summer could not have been any better. I seriously could never have thought this summer was going to be as great as it was. Working at Scioto Hills could easily be one of the best things I have ever done, and it wouldn't be a stretch to say it has changed my life.”

”My overall experience as a staff member was amazing. God taught me so much about myself and Himself this summer. One thing I have always loved about Scioto is how it is constantly focused on spiritual things. We are always applying what we are learning through the experiences at camp.”

”Working at Scioto Hills allowed me to recognize what it means to authentically kneel at the foot of the cross while intentionally serving others. It was the one place that made praising our Maker, whether in valleys or mountain tops, a genuine desire and need. It was at camp that I learned the joy of wholeheartedly giving God the glory through every situation, regardless of what I gained from the outcome.”

”Being on summer staff at Scioto Hills is one of the hardest thing you will ever do. There were times that I was brought to tears. BUT, it is also one of the most spiritually rewarding things you will ever do. I experienced being pushed outside my comfort zone while also showing Christ’s love in tangible ways to others, and I wouldn’t exchange these memories for anything.”

”My summer working at Scioto Hills meant a great time of spiritual growth for me. Constantly being in the environment of studying God's Word and having my girls come to me with questions about the Bible helped me understand my relationship with Christ much better. Every week, speaking with each one of my girls about her spiritual needs and pointing her to Christ pointed me to Christ in the process. There were times that it was challenging, yet it was in those times that I came to see that God's grace is sufficient, and that when I am weak, He is strong!”

”I expected to teach campers about the Lord and see their relationships with Him grow, but I didn’t realize how much they would teach me about MY relationship with Him. When I look back at this summer of having fun, being crazy and exhausted, and cultivating life-long relationships, I can say it was one of the most impactful summers of my life.”

"I can say without a doubt that God has done nothing short of miracles in my life through Scioto Hills Camp. I was immensely blessed to get to know and build relationships with my campers. To talk with them about their walk with Christ and the Gospel, to teach them the Word of God, to pray with and for them, and to laugh and just have so much fun with them has been one of my life’s greatest blessings.”

”This summer at Scioto Hills was an incredible time of growing and learning. I was stretched, challenged, and awed as I sought to make Christ my One Thing and watched Him work in the lives of campers and staff.”

”There are kids that come to camp from a variety of backgrounds, and it has been very humbling to be used by God to invest in their lives and share His gospel love with them.”

“Serving on summer staff will be difficult and stretch you in ways you never expected. However, if I was given the chance to do it again, I would take it in a heartbeat.”

”There is just something about being at camp that God uses to tug at my heart. The spiritual environment is excellent. The kitchen staff always kept me on my feet, so by the end of the summer my work ethic and my “can do” attitude had boosted greatly. Scioto Hills taught me about life in the real world. It prepared me for future jobs I may have and future friendships as well. The permanent staff was such a personal blessing to me and kept pushing me forward.”

”God has helped me understand the power of prayer and the encouragement and importance of praying with fellow believers. He has taught me that apart from Him I can't do anything and that I can't make someone come to know Christ—God must do it. He has taught me the importance of humility and servanthood. He has given me a stronger desire to see others, as well as myself, grow in Christ. He has enforced the fact that God does work in ways we don't expect or understand. He has taught me to do things out of love for Him, not out of pride or expectation of praise. All praise and glory goes to God, not me.”

”One big thing God has really been teaching me this summer is just to be completely satisfied in Him. God is most glorified when I am most satisfied in Him. He has been teaching me dependence on him - to ask him in prayer and rely on Him for my strength. Another thing would be having a servant's attitude and be willing to do whatever needs done.

”Scioto Hills is a place where you can let go of your worries and know that you will be loved well.”

“Being on summer staff was by far the hardest thing I have ever done, but also the most rewarding. Christ has changed me every summer I have had the privilege to serve at camp, and if you choose to take on this adventure, know it will be well worth the time and sacrifices you make.”